Tizi, The Tasty Bakery and Steak Restaurant in Bandung

When you are in Bandung, Tizi restaurant will most likely come to mind whenever you are carving for western food, German dishes in particular :)

This restaurant has been around for a long time. It started as a bakery in 1967 selling nutritious bread. That's how this home bakery branded it: Ti from roTI (bread in English) and Zi from bergiZI (Indonesian word for healthy, nutritious). In 1974, it expanded by opening a restaurant with a cake shop at Kidang Pananjung Street no. 3, Dago Bandung. 

Tizi restaurant Bandung exudes comfy and homy vibes.

Kidang Pananjung is a side street of Dago (Ir. H. Djuanda street). Hence, it is in the uptown Bandung but without the loud noise of the busy street of Dago. Tizi resides in an old house with a beautiful garden in the middle. Dining tables are set up along the corridors surrounding this garden and inside the main house. You even can find a piano stands in one corner. All in all, Tizi exudes comfy and homey vibes. 

What to eat in Tizi Restaurant?

Tizi serves various steaks in its main course selections. The meat served here are beef, dory fish, and chicken. You have choices of Sirloin Steak, Tenderloin Steak, Steak Burger, Bratwurst (the German sausage), and my all-time favorite: the Wiener Schnitzel. Or Fish Fillet Tarragon if you carve for fish. Oven-Baked Chicken and Oriental Grilled Chicken for you who prefer chicken. One dish that stands out on the menu is Tongue with Mushroom Sauce. Every dish is served with cooked veggies and your choice of french fries or mashed potatoes. Both are yummy :)

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Tizi Restaurant and Cake Shop, the all-time favorite steak house in Dago Bandung.

In addition to steaks, there are plenty of other dishes you can order, such as Schaschlik, soups, salads, omelets, pizzas, and spaghetti. The desserts are not limited to the ones on the menu (pancakes and Poffertjes); you can order many delicious cakes in the cake shop inside the main building!

So many dishes, but which ones are the specialties of Tizi? My favorite is the Wiener Schnitzel, a thin-sliced beef that is breaded and fried. Tizi served it with a lump of garlic butter on top of the Wiener Schnitzel, mashed potato that looks like noodles (or french fries if you prefer), and a cup of cooked vegetables.

The 4 Seasons Pizza is delicious too. Anyhow, the number one specialty that distinguished Tizi as a German restaurant is the Schaschlik,  combinations of marinated and grilled onions, green peppers, and beef cutlets in a skewer.

On the other hand, the favorite among the soup varieties is the cream of chicken soup. 

A special dessert in Tizi is Poffertjes, a Dutch dessert made with yeast and buckwheat flour that looks like small puffy balls. 

First introduced during the Dutch colony, Poffertjes is quite popular among Indonesian. Thus, several vintage restaurants, such as Puncak Pass restaurant, Braga Permai Restaurant in Bandung, and Dedaunan Cafe in Bogor Botanical Garden, have Poffertjes on their menu.

Of course, pancakes and poffertjes are not the only desserts in Tizi. You can buy many delicious sweet treats in the Tizi cake shop, such as Eclair, Apfel Strudel, cheesecakes, and many more. 

After that, what kind of drinks do you like? Tea, coffee, yogurt, or milkshake? They are all available at Tizi. If you fancy some tea, try a pot of tea, either plain, with lemon, or with milk. This tea is exceptionally bitter. Thankfully they provide sugar cubes on the side :)

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